If you're lucky enough to have found and downloaded Siberian Mouse Masha Babko's photographs and videos then you'll know the scene where in the back of a van she dips a black Rambone dildo in strawberry yogurt and sucks on it in at least a half a dozen positions. The scene's an absolute scorcher. Masha's not only the most beautiful woman in the history of porn, she's one of the most beautiful women in the history of cinema. What her "uncle" Sergei did was clearly wrong but my goodness what a gift to the world. In her interview with other "victims," she doesn't seem to so much regret what she did but regret getting caught. Sergei's in a Siberian jail but she was more than willing. She's gorgeous but also radiates a glorious narcissism. She knew she was breathtakingly beautiful probably a year or two after she was born. Her poor sister Veronika. Hard to believe they have the same mother and father.